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Chinese-British Rail Transit Talents Cultivation Cooperation Agreement Between Our College and the UK Sectors Centre of Excellence Ltd

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On June 25, our collegewas invited to participate in the “Skills Belt and Road International Talent Hub Programme Gearing Up Workshop” between China and British in the Beijing embassy in British, and jointly established the “Chinese-British Rail Transit (Zhengzhou) Research Institute” with the UK Sectors Centre of Excellence Ltd and the National Railway Skill Research Institute of British as jointly witnessed by Chen Feng, the director of the National Center for Schooling Development Programme o

    On June 25, our college was invited to participate in the “Skills Belt and Road International Talent Hub Programme Gearing Up Workshop” between China and British in the Beijing embassy in British, and jointly established the “Chinese-British Rail Transit (Zhengzhou) Research Institute” with the UK Sectors Centre of Excellence Ltd and the National Railway Skill Research Institute of British as jointly witnessed by Chen Feng, the director of the National Center for Schooling Development Programme of the Ministry of Education, Wu Baina, the British ambassador to China and Wang Peng, the member of the municipal committee of CPC and the deputy mayor of Zhengzhou and then entered into a Chinese-British Rail Transit Talents Cultivation Cooperation Agreement.


    The workshop was hosted by the UK Sectors Centre of Excellence Ltd with the support of the National Center for Schooling Development Programme of the Ministry of Education and the Education and Skill Office of the Department for International Trade of British. Our college was invited to become a member unit of the “Academic Committee of International Talent Hub” between China and British and Kong Fanshi, the president was appointed as a member of the committee.


    Kong Fanshi indicated in his speech that, the international cooperation met the trend and demand of higher vocational education reform and development. As the Chinese industry output and international capacity cooperation were faster and faster, the demand for the quantity and quality of international talents was increased further. The trend and opportunity of our vocational education and reform development are to strengthen the international exchange and cooperation and extensively learn the idea and experience of the advanced education countries. The international talent hub programme of “the Belt and Road” between China and British proceeded comprehensively, which would help the domestic colleges and universities introduce the course, teaching mode and apprenticeship from British with employment oriented, deepen the integration of industry and education and cultivate many high-quality technology and skill talents for the construction of “the Belt and Road”. He emphasized that the signing of the Chinese-British Rail Transit Talents Cultivation Cooperation Agreement was a specific measure of our college to implement the 20 vocational education provisions, explore and implement the “1+X” certificate system and create the “lifelong education” system. The school hoped to work with the UK Sectors Centre of Excellence Ltd and the National Railway Skill Research Institute of British to deeply carry out the research and promotion for the railway talents cultivation training, vocational capacity reconstruction, teacher team construction and course resource development, exploit their own resource advantages to the full, form a four-party linkage among politics, school, enterprise and science, break through the bottleneck of vocational education reform and jointly provide power for the cultivation of international talents.  

    After the workshop, Doctor Ma Liang, the vice director of the UK Sectors Centre of Excellence Ltd and the school deeply exchanged with each other for the specific cooperation matter and reached a consensus for the project research and mutual visit.

    It is reported that, the Chinese-British “International Talent Hub Programme” project was officially launched in the workshop. Zhengzhou municipal government and the UK Sectors Centre of Excellence Ltd established the “Zhengzhou-British Center” and jointly created an international talent hub center in China on the basis of vocational education colleges.