
News and Events

Visit of the South African Education and Training Delegation to Our College

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On November 26, Robert Samia, the director-general of the Construction Industry TrainingOffice of the Higher Education and Training Department of South Africa, Leon Beach, the president of South Africa Noslink University, and other 6 persons visited our college, as accompaniedby Xu Hengzhen, the director of the International Office of the Education Department of Henan. Kong Fanshi, the president, Dong Lisheng, the vice president and the relevant department heads received the guests. The parties

On November 26, Robert Samia, the director-general of the Construction Industry Training Office of the Higher Education and Training Department of South Africa, Leon Beach, the president of South Africa Noslink University, and other 6 persons visited our college, as accompanied by Xu Hengzhen, the director of the International Office of the Education Department of Henan. Kong Fanshi, the president, Dong Lisheng, the vice president and the relevant department heads received the guests. The parties deeply and frankly exchanged with each other for the cultivation of the international students.


In the welcome ceremony, Kong Fanshi introduced the history and major features of the school. He emphasized that the school drove the teaching reform greatly, continuously optimized the talents cultivation mode and continuously improved the talents cultivation quality and international influence. In 2018, the quality of the candidates for College Entrance Examination was better than that of other vocational colleges in Henan. As for the students in some majors, the school realized the high-quality employment two years in advance. Also, the school was elected as the vice chairman unit of the Eurasian Association of Universities and the President Forum of Chinese-Russian Transportation Universities; In the meantime, to welcome the first batch of upcoming international students, each school department had made lots of careful preparations in the early stage, guaranteeing to complete the high-quality cultivation of the international students.

Xu Hengzhen indicated that the school has satisfied good international student admission and cultivation conditions and hoped to actively negotiate and coordinate with the South Africa side, arrange the life and study of every international student, and lay a good foundation for the comprehensive education of the international students. Robert, the director-general appreciated the warm reception of the leaders of the school and hoped to cooperate with the school in the industry and civil building fields.  


After the meeting, the guests coming from South Africa visited some laboratories and practical training rooms of the College of Railway Engineering in the school.