
Китайско-зарубежный совместные школы

文章作者:/文 156

- Project of Cooperation in Education Between China and AustraliaIn the school, the projects of cooperation in education between China and Australia are dominated by the business majors. In 2007, the project was approved by the Education Department of Henan. Our school and Holmes Institute of Australia jointly established 3 majors, including the logistics management major, accounting major and marketing major. At present, there are about 640 students in the majors.- Project of Cooperation in Edu

Китайско-Австралийские проекты

        В 2007 году, с одобрения минобразования провинции Хэнань, наш институт и институт Холмса, Австралии, совместно создали три основных направления в области управления логистикой, бухгалтерского учета и маркетинга, на которых обучается более 640 студентов.